Halloween Leds Help



1. Unwrap LEDS

Unwrap all the leds, and ensure they are all connected. There should be 3 of the big yellow clips on the strip. One at the beginning, one in the very middle, and one at the end.

2. Set up middle power injection

Due to voltage drop, the strip requires additional power at the beginning, middle, and end. The beginning and end are trivial to set up, as the strip should be going in a loop.

The middle power injection is the most involved to set up, seeing as a wire needs to connect it back to the controller somehow. In your setup kit, you should have an approximately 10m long white cable with a wire plug on either end. This will function as an extension cord. Plug this into the middle power injection point.

3. Connect LED Strip to power

With all power injection extension cords connected, we can begin to connect leds to the control board.

There will be three clips on the leds and three clips on the control board. The control board contains a series of 5A and 10A fuses. The middle power injection sends power down both directions of the strip, therefore needs to be on a 10A fuse. The remainder of the injections can be on 5A fuses.

The technical aspect of it aside, I will have marked the 10A fused clip. What you should be plugging into it is the middle power injection, aka the long extension cord that runs to the middle of the strip. The remainder of the clips on both sides can be clicked together with no issue.

If you are going to take anything away from this step: plug the super long cable into the correspondingly marked clip on the control board. Else, you will blow a fuse.

4. Controlling the LED strip over WiFi

The control board runs software called WLED, which has extensive documentation that can be found here.

This controller links itself into your WiFi Network. If it is not registered in the "WLED Native" app, you can re-configure the controller using the "WLED-AP" WiFi network that it will create.

5. Storing/Disassembly

Detach all LED Strips and extension cables from the control board. The LEDS can be fragile so store them with care. Do not allow for any extreme bends in the strip, and for your sanity you should not let them get tangled. Wrapping the entire strip around a large cylinder would be my recommendation for this.

Last modified: 03 October 2024